Unusual Tombstones

While many tombstones and markers in cemeteries are very similar, some standout as being quite a change from the norm. Here is a small sampling of the ones I've discovered.

Canterbury Postcard

This ledger stone is a perfect postcard, complete with accurate U.S. stamp and postmark. The "return" address is the birthdate and death date for Gary H. Canturbury, buried in Silver Plume, Colorado.

Canterbury Postcard Marker

Drake Cabin

This monument is a full replica of Lester Drake's mining cabin. It is located in Denver's oldest cemetery, Riverside.

Drake Cabin

Moss Swan

This unusual marker is a heart-shaped swan.

Moss Swan

Pyramid Mausoleum

Although this Mausoleum is not in Colorado, I'm including it, as it still fits the category. This pyramid-shaped mausoleum can be found in the Angelus Rosedale Cemetery in Los Angeles, California. This cemetery has more than one pyramid-shaped mausoleum.


Swanson Swirl

This lovely abstract marker, made of granite, is elegantly carved, and set in two pieces. It is located in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs.

Swanson Tombstone front
Swanson Tombstone, back

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