Unusual Tombstones
While many tombstones and markers in cemeteries are very similar, some standout as being quite a change from the norm. Here is a small sampling of the ones I've discovered. Marker | Picture | Canterbury Postcard This ledger stone is a perfect postcard, complete with accurate U.S. stamp and postmark. The "return" address is the birthdate and death date for Gary H. Canturbury, buried in Silver Plume, Colorado. | 
| Drake Cabin This monument is a full replica of Lester Drake's mining cabin. It is located in Denver's oldest cemetery, Riverside. | 
| Moss Swan This unusual marker is a heart-shaped swan. | 
| Pyramid Mausoleum Although this Mausoleum is not in Colorado, I'm including it, as it still fits the category. This pyramid-shaped mausoleum can be found in the Angelus Rosedale Cemetery in Los Angeles, California. This cemetery has more than one pyramid-shaped mausoleum. | 
| Swanson Swirl This lovely abstract marker, made of granite, is elegantly carved, and set in two pieces. It is located in Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs. | 

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