What's New?
There a few new features on the site, but, they are all related to programming, and you probably won't notice any differences. At least, that is the goal. The site should be working a tiny bit better, and hopefully, that means that I can get some new content added.
Coming Soon!
I've been thinking about ways to improve the individual cemetery pages, and have decided that I need to post them as soon as I've visited them, with directions, details on hours, contact information and all the information I've collected so far, whether the transcription is finished or not. I will start adding those pages this month. In addition, the articles mentioned last month, on the different kinds of crosses you'll see in cemeteries, and a couple of articles on military headstones and military symbols should be posted in the next few days.
Featured Article
This month, I am pleased to bring you a slight change of pace, a guest column. My youngest sister, who unfortunately no longer lives in Colorado, provided this article. It even has pictures. Enjoying Cemeteries with Young Children
When my sons were 22 months old and 4 months old, we needed a new place to walk. Our town was hit by major flooding, and our “regular haunts” were all either still underwater or damaged and unsafe for a mom with a double stroller and two boys. Right up the street from our house, just 2 blocks from where some major flooding occurred, there is a cemetery. Out of a need for exercise and a need to enjoy the beautiful June weather, I decided to give the cemetery a try.
 A visit to the cemetery, stuffed animals in tow | We found a quiet, shady spot to park the car, and I soon developed my own “trail” through the quiet cemetery. My trail had just enough ups and downs to make it a workout, and my sons enjoyed the outdoors and the decorations on the tombstones. Also, it was QUIET. There were very few cars ever in the cemetery, especially during the time of day we would find ourselves there, so I was able to let my not-quite-two-year-old down to run 10 to 15 feet ahead of me without worrying that he might slip and fall into traffic. It didn’t take long before we met the caretakers of the cemetery, and they welcomed us with open arms. They were delighted to have my young sons in the cemetery, learning not to fear it, but to enjoy the peace it offered AND to be taught respect for the cemetery at such a young age. |
As my sons have grown older, the cemetery is still a favorite spot for them to walk. They know the headstone where the family ALWAYS places pinwheels every spring; and they enjoy blowing gently on the pinwheel. As they have learned the alphabet, we make a game of finding their letters on the tombstones. They enjoy gathering pinecones in the fall. They eagerly anticipate touching the “silver ball”—a gazing ball placed on a memorial for soldiers of WWII. They are allowed to touch the ball softly one time in each walk; and occasionally, a favorite stuffed animal will get help from a grubby little boy paw to touch the ball also. |
 Touching the ball, with Pooh Bear's help |
We are so blessed to have a cemetery so close to our home and have had the opportunity to help ease into conversations about death and our faith because of these walks, too. We are always welcomed in the cemetery, and people visiting the graves of their loved ones are always glad to see us too. I think it gives them some measure of joy to know that their lost ones are being visited regularly, and I imagine that they are seeing life come full circle, as they watch my young sons who play so in joyfully in this place that has so long been associated with grief and sadness. In my own turn, I imagine that the ones whose graves we pass by are pleased to hear the uninhibited laughter of my little boys. -Contributed by Beth Seifert
Around the Web Martin Duggan, legendary marshall of Leadville, will be receiving a marker for his grave at Riverside Cemetery in Denver(scroll down to the third item on the page). The dedication will be October 16. More details to come soon. Another new way to preserve memories of your loved ones at cemeteries with memory medallions.
The problems at Arlington National Cemetery could result in the Army losing control of the cemetery.
Louisiana residents put Katrina to rest in a symbolic burial.
Looking for a unique coffin that you can use as a bookshelf? Try this unique idea for a personalized coffin.
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