What's New?
This month not much got posted to the site, however some progress has made behind the scenes, which I hope to share with you in the not too distant future. A few cemeteries that were excluded from all the cemetery lists I've seen were located, including one in Weld county and one in El Paso county. Featured Article
Peeking into the Past
You might be aware that one of the reasons I became interested in genealogy was a family photo project. My grandparents had a huge collection of photographs, which filled more than 5 file boxes. I've been slowly scanning and organizing these photos. One of the things amongst the photos was an obituary for one of my great, great uncles, Isaac Shriver, who died in 1918 in Longmont, in an accident at the sugar plant. In May of this year, I went to Mountain View Cemetery to see if he was buried there. Turns out, both he and my great, great aunt were, in fact, buried there. I took a picture of there grave site.
In August, I was working on the photo project again, and came across a very battered old photo of the same grave site, which I'd not seen before. While my photo is not taken from exactly the same angle, it's a remarkable look at the same spot, 91 years earlier.
 Shriver Monument, Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont, 1918 |
 Shriver Monument, Mountain View Cemetery, Longmont, 2009 |
Looking at the two photos, side by side, you can see the little trees in the background have grown into a tall shade trees. The cemetery, which was first established in 1876, still looked much like the prairie it had been when the first photo was taken. Now, the city of Longmont has grown to engulf the cemetery, which had been outside of the city limits. In the modern photo, besides the mature shade trees, you can see new buildings in the background, which, of course, aren't in the 1918 photo. This was a wonderful discovery to me, and I hope it's a fascinating peek at the past for you, too.
Around the Web Here is a follow-up to last month's feature article on the wreath laying program. This is a column written by a man who participates in the annual event. A description of the most famous burial grounds in China Digital Tombstones A new cemetery park is being beilt in South Vietnam. This will be thelargest such park in the country. A low-tech way to uncover cemeteries in North Carolina, where goats are used to "clean" up the overgrown sites. A Christmas update on the ongoing preservation needs at the cemetery for New York City police officers.
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